How I solved Blue and Black Screen issues with my Dell PC having windows 8.1 - SpecsyGeek : Feel the Geek inside

How I solved Blue and Black Screen issues with my Dell PC having windows 8.1

From the past few days my pc is giving me new headaches every now and then.

I faced two issues one of a Blue Screen and the other of a Black Screen. I took me some time to find the solutions but they were very easy to implement and the solutions worked for me.

Here's more about it:

First issue: PC showing plain Blue Screen with no error message 

So what happened is one fine day I pressed the power button of my PC to start it so that I can write my new blog post and after showing me the Windows logo the screen was all Blue.

I got panicked😱, pressed different buttons, restarted it many times but nothing happened. I searched over the Internet and found that there was something called 'Blue Screen of Death' [BSOD]. This name itself scared the hell out of me.

I read tons of articles, watched tons of videos and finally I found my solution.

But one thing that was different for me was that the Blue Screen they were showing in the youtube videos was having an error message but that was not the case with my Blue Screen. 

I think my Blue Screen is not that Blue Screen of Death but they look almost similar just the error message is missing. 

BSOD that can occur due to many reasons like hardware issues, software issues, driver defects, and many more.
And that's why my solution is also different.

How I Solved the issue: I was using two different antiviruses at the same time and they were having conflicts. I use both because they offer different services and comodo is new for me but it is doing a good job so far.

One antivirus is Avast and the other is Comodo. So I enabled the Passive Mode in the Avast Antivirus Settings, this mode enables the antivirus to run parallel to another antivirus. And this method solved my problem.

Second issue: PC showing plain Black Screen with no error message 

Then came another fine day, I had already given myself a deadline to finish a post. I pressed the power button of my PC, the company logo appeared then the windows logo appeared and then the screen goes completely Black. Hell no, again. This time instead of Blue it was Black.
These errors waste a lot of time and energy. So, I also researched it and finally found my solution.

How I Solved the issue: I entered into Automatic Repair Mode and then I just restarted it from the option given there and it solved my issue.

But Yes it took me a lot of time to find out how to enter into this mode. First I was looking for entering into Safe Mode and I tried many of the methods the common one is by pressing F8 button while the PC boots up but nothing showed on the screen.

To enter into Automatic Repair Mode on windows 8.1 you need to restart your PC three times and here's how : 

The first time when it will start and as soon it starts to show you the Windows logo you need to switch the power off.
Do this three times and the third time it will automatically enter in Automatic Repair Mode and will show you different advanced options. From there choose accordingly.

If you are having any of the above issues with your PC I hope these solutions work for you too. 
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